Vandalism and car insurance
Vandalism of car
Car insurance is one of the most important parts of life and you need to have car insurance so that you can have peace of mind. It has become a compulsion to have car insurance in the current times. Earlier car insurance was not a compulsion and it was not much popular as well. But in the current times it has gained popularity. There are number of car insurance providers and it is your choice to choose the best one from all of them. Usually people have in their mind does car insurance covers vandalism.
Comprehensive coverage
So let us understand about the comprehensive coverage. The comprehensive coverage is not like the property damage insurance which pays for the damage caused to the property of the person during an accident. The collision coverage is the one which protects the person from paying during the collision damages which occurs to the vehicle. The comprehensive coverage’s covers the non collision expenses such as theft, vandalism, weather and other natural disasters like earthquake and flood, animal collisions, etc.
The comprehensive car insurance is like the collision coverage in terms that it is optional car insurance coverage. If you hold personal car insurance policy with some insurance company then you can add the comprehensive coverage to your current policy just by contacting your insurance provider. It is also possible to compare the comprehensive insurance quotes online. If you add the comprehensive coverage to your policy the premium off your policy will increase but it is nothing as compared to the expense that can occur to you during vandalism. It is better to have an insurance rather than spending money at the time of vandalism.
Cost increases
When you add any type of coverage then it will increase the cost of the car insurance. There are certain ways in which you can lower down the car insurance premium. You can get the affordable car insurance. One way is to establish you as a safe and reliable driver by practicing good driving skills. The good driving record can play a major factor in lowering the insurance rates. Staying accident free also helps you in lowering the insurance rates. There are many insurance companies which reward the safe drivers with some accident free discounts.
Driving safe vehicle can also help you in lowering the insurance rates. The safe and reliable cars will have to pay low as compared to the luxury and sports cars. Some of the safety features such as back cameras; etc can help in reducing the insurance rates. You can also lower your rates by asking for any available discounts. There are many insurance companies who offer the variety of discounts to the customers especially for multi policy holders, membership discounts and the good student discounts.
Contact witness
These things answer to does car insurance covers vandalism. Now we would discuss on how can you get auto claims for the vandalism. If you have become a victim of vandalism then you need to take pictures of the damage and then nifty the police within 24 hours. Once you have made an official report in police you can contact your car insurance provider and then file a claim. The contact information of witness can be provided if you have. The witness plays an important role in such cases. Usually the insurance company sends the claim adjuster who will evaluate the physical damage that has occurred to the vehicle. You should not attempt to clean or repair any damage to the vehicle until the adjuster comes and makes a complete assessment.
Process of claiming
Once the police report and the assessment by insurance company are complete you should prevent that any further damage happen to the vehicle. Let me explain with an example. Suppose that the driver window has been damaged in the accident you should make sure to cover the window with the plastic so that no further damage is caused to the vehicle from rain, theft, etc. if you do not secure the vehicle then the insurance company may not help you in getting the amount of further damage caused to the vehicle.
The steps that you take before and also after you file the claim for car insurance vandalism plays an important role in deciding the fast processing of your claim. These tips will surely help you in filing the claim in case of vandalism and also make the process quick. If you notify the police immediately after the vandalism has occurred then it can help the police to find details. The police report is important as the insurance company can also ask for the police report for processing the claim.
It is important that if the car is vandalized then you take the current pictures of the car so that they can be sent to the insurance company. When you notify the insurance company about vandalisation it is important to provide information like vehicle title, location where vandalism occurred, all those people who used the car, etc. it is always a good idea to keep record and receipts of vandalism that has occurred to your car for future use. If your car was stolen and police recovers it then you should immediately inform the insurance company so that they can check damages and process the claim.
We have additional information in this subject you may be interested in reading : Buying Auto Insurance Online and How Does The Deductible Work?