Average Auto Insurance Rates By Age
Age of driver
Car insurance is something that you need but when you get something you have to pay for that. For getting car insurance you need to pay premiums and the coverage that you get depends on number of factors. One such important factor is age. Your age decides the amount of premium that you need to pay. The payment terms and conditions depend on the policy and the type of coverage. Age is one of the important factors that are considered by the insurance companies while giving the car insurance quote.
Young drivers
Let us discuss on the average auto insurance rates by age. The statistics decides the average auto insurance rates by age. In general terms the novice drivers are getting more expensive quotes and the experienced drivers get moderate quotes. This is because the new drivers are more likely to get into accidents. The 15 to 20 years of people have only 6% of the licensed drivers and it leads to 11% of crashes. They yet have to solidify their skills and reflexes. They need to develop their judgment so that they can react best to the road conditions. This can make them riskier to insure them as compared to the mature driver.
Mature drivers
The mature drivers who are in their mid thirties and the forties are having great driving skills and also road maturity which means that it lowers the accident rates. The drivers who enter the age of 60s begin to reverse the trend due to aging. The average auto insurance rates by age can be explained in simple manner as below. The quotes for the teenagers are 3.5 times expensive as the quotes for the driver who is in mid thirties. It costs almost 4 times the rate of experienced driver in the mid fifties. When the teenagers get some experience under the belt and reach the age of 25 years the car insurance rates drops almost 60%. The cost keeps on decreasing on ever birthday and the drivers have their best rates in 50s. When they reach 60s the trend gets reversed and the rates become almost similar to that of in 40s.
The figures describe the average auto insurance rates by age. At the age of 16 the rates can be $8226, at 18 it is $6456. This shows that within 2 years the rates have dropped very much. At 21 years of age it is $3620, at 25 it is $2374. This shows that between the age group of 16 and 25 there is a great decrease in the insurance rates. Again the rates keep on decreasing and at age of 40 it is $1973. The average auto insurance rates by age at the age of 60 are $1867 which is the lowest. And after that age the rates start increasing. At 70 ages the rates will be $2131. This explains the cycle of the auto insurance rates classified on basis of age.
Senior drivers
It is found that the senior drivers and the beginner drivers have to pay more for the insurance as compared to the middle ages groups. There are some steps which can be taken by the drivers to get discounts. The good marinating of grades at school can help in getting discounts at the insurance rates. The defensive driving can be taken which can help you in reducing the auto insurance rates. The re-eductaion courses can also help in getting the insurance costs down. You should try to achieve any of these so that you can get advantage of lower rates at the teenage and senior age.
Saving money
The teenagers have driven less as compared to adults and thus they are more likely to get into crashes and deaths also. The accident rates include the age group of 16 to 19 more as compared to the middle aged people. Teens are less likely to drink and drive but they lead to heavy crashes when they do. They have more tendencies to drive cars with speed and lead to some serious situations. The strategies which can help the young drivers to get lower insurance rates include driving safely and avoiding accidents. It also includes going through the driver education and driving the car with safety features. These things can help the driver to reduce the insurance rates.
Usually the insurance rates are lower at the adult age from 25 to 60 years of age. The car insurance decreases gradually at this span of time but you need to maintain a good driving record for that. Some additional factors also play role in deciding the rates at adult age. It includes the type of car that you are using. The place where you live and your usage. These factors play an important role in deciding the insurance rates for the adults.
The senior drivers are charged with more insurance rates as they may be facing impaired visions, changes in physical functioning and all these factors can increase their chances of getting indulged in accidents. Seniors can remain safe in paying less by keeping a good driving record and they can also take the defensive driving course which can help them t reduce the insurance rates. This shows about the average auto insurance rates by age. You can choose any insurance provider but make sure t compare rates from all. Choosing the best insurance provider can help you in saving money. Moreover keep in mind of taking advantage of the discounts at your age.
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