A Quick Look At The Average Car Insurance Rates By Age Ande State


The premium amount of any car insurance varies on a lot of factors, which are commonly called as rating factors. These include age, gender, marital status, driving records, the state where the driver lives etc. While other factors are equally important, it is the age of the driver and the state which play a pivotal role behind the insurance rate. It is thus important to learn about the average car insurance rates by age and state before you decide to buy insurance for yourself. 

Car insurance by age

While other rating factors do play an important role in deciding the insurance premium amount, it is the age which matters a lot. A young driver who is less than 16-18 years old would be required to pay a comparatively much higher insurance than a middle aged guy. The underlying reason behind this is the school of thought that as drivers grow old, they become more experienced behind the wheels, and that reduces the risk of them meeting an accident than a young brat who has just taken the wheels a year back.  

Average Car Insurance Rates By Age And State
Given below is the age wise average insurance rate. While these figures will tend to vary on a lot of other factors and obviously by the state, it still gives a fair indication of the price variation as per the age of the drivers. 

16 - 18 years - $8,226
18 – 21 years - $6,456
21 – 25 years - $3,620
25 – 30 years - $2,374
30 – 35 years - $2,078
35 – 40 years - $2,028
40 – 45 years - $1,973
45 – 50 years - $1,929
50 – 55 years - $1,855
55 – 60 years - $1,845
60 – 65 years - $1,867
65 – 70 years - $1,956
70 years and above - $2,131

Car insurance by State

As like age, the state also plays a major role in deciding on the insurance premium rates, as every state government has their own set of rules and regulations pertaining to traffic control. Given below are the average annual insurance rates by state. 

Alabama - $1,529
Alaska -         $1,605
Arizona - $1,222
Arkansas - $1,399
California - $1,962
Colorado - $1,558
Connecticut - $1,638
Delaware - $1,580
Florida -         $1,830
Georgia - $2,201
Hawaii -         $1,400
Idaho -         $1,053
Illinois -         $1,370
Indiana -         $1,202
Iowa - $1,058
Kansas -         $1,358
Kentucky - $1,503
Louisiana - $1,971
Maine -         $964
Maryland - $1,810
Massachusetts - $1,604
Michigan - $2,551
Minnesota - $1,360
Mississippi - $1,385
Missouri - $1,207
Montana - $2,013
Nebraska - $1,317
Nevada - $1,388
New Hampshire - $983
New Jersey - $1,905
New Mexico - $1,371
New York - $1,173
North Carolina - $1,060
North Dakota - $1,710
Ohio - $926
Oklahoma - $1,568
Oregon -         $1,333
Pennsylvania - $1,440
Rhode Island - $2,020
South Carolina - $1,316
South Dakota - $1,557
Tennessee - $1,397
Texas -         $1,620
Utah - $1,192
Vermont - $1,149
Virginia - $1,114
Washington - $1,499
Washington, D.C. - $2,127
West Virginia - $2,518
Wisconsin - $1,087
Wyoming - $1,541

Looking at the average car insurance rates by age and state, it looks like staying in West Virginia or Michigan could cost you heavy in terms of car insurance rates, as these states have the highest rate of insurance, thanks to the no-fault auto insurance system which makes the insurance carrier pay irrespective of who was at fault. If you want to pay real low rates of insurance, you may want to choose Maine, Ohio or New Hampshire, where the average rate of insurance is more than $500 less than the national average. 

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